Hi there
I'm a person with a degree in computer science who works in technology. Look around, click on some stuff or something. Most of what's on this page is filler, all the interesting stuff is on the projects page or on github.
Most of my interests are centered around technology. Specifically, I am fascinated by robotics, data collection and processing, and data centers, among other things. While most of these these things are outside the scope of my degree, I enjoy the fact that my Computer Science is applicable to nearly all of my interests.
If you are a potential employer, please take a look at the "projects" page. That's probably what you came here to find. Also bear in mind that this website is a project in itself, and as such it is a little rough around the edges (but will always be usable). Thanks for taking a look at my stuff, by the way.

What is this website for?
It's a website that I threw together so that I would have a website to list on my resume, and to serve as a portfolio of sorts. Check out the projects page if you're interested in seeing what I've been working on.
Gha! My eyes! The colors, they burn!
Yeah... Well, I'm working on it. Content first, horrible color scheme later.